Quality Control

Semiconductor and electronic component material specialist

Management System

Safety and
health policy

Zero hazard campaign

No industrial accident by preventiion activities

Safe and pleasant environment development

Working environment enhancement through safety-first management, energy saving and recycling program

status of safety
and health


1) Zero hazard workplace maintenance

Ongoing zero hazard campaign (for 546 days from Feb 14, 2014)

2) Safety and health training

Periodical new emploees appointment/change of work/management supervisor safety-health training

3) Industrial safety-health committee

Quarterly meeting / labor-management occupational safety-health conference

4) Regular safety inspection

Legal safety inspection in accordance with government safety regulations

5) Thorough management control in accordance with government safety requlations


1) Regular medical checkup

Annual medical checkup

2) Working environment measurement

Half-yearly monitor to

3) Health consultation and health promotion

Monthly health counselling and medical checkup by health visitors

4) Musculoskeletal system disorder prevention and harmful factor investigation

Continuous improvement activities to eliminate harmful factor every 3 years