Quality Control

Semiconductor and electronic component material specialist

Management System


Optimized and specialized quality system establishment and management by each business sector.

Quality system establishment to fulfill all customer requirements individually specialized.

the whole company system improvement through effective management of individual controls.

conformance evaluation of overall company system and prevention measure through periodical internal audit.

overall process enhancement through continuous improvement activities.


zero customer complaint (below one per month, >1/month)

Internal audit

internal auditor training (one/team to two/team)


quarterly basis audit

Customer satisfaction

quarterly basis audit

management strategy

Semiconductor surface treatment, advanced electronic component/material, and fine chemical are major business sectors of SP Tech. The whole processes including development, planning, production, quality control and customer service should be served in a professional manner to achieve customer satisfaction.

Human resources.

Company provides all necessary support on manpower resource development through high level education and training. All employees should contirbute to achieving the world-class-quality by positively participating in quality programs and exceeding performance.


Achieve zero-defect quality by maintaining the best condition of machines, equipments and utilities every time.


Implement quality system improvement continuously by setting aggressive quality goal and carrying out action plan. It should be preiodically evaluated and feedback for continuous improvement.


Achieve customer satisfaction at the highest quality and minimum possible cost.

SP Tech is putting forth the effort to achieve customer satisfaction through quality and reliability management. Top management provides all necessary support and help with priority to carry out company quality policy.

SP Tech Co., Ltd.
CEOJongho Kim